Globalização, Joint Ventures e Você Cidadania

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A revista mensal da Câmara Americana de Comércio de São Paulo - - UPDATE # 370 publica em matéria de capa o efeito da abertura econômica brasileira enquanto aumento da produtividade, com diversos exemplos nos mais diversos segmentos econômicos.

Nesse contexto de abertura e globalização econômica, a joint venture surge naturalmente como uma parceria entre uma empresa brasileira e outra estrangeira, na qual ambas ganham na união de competências complementares, conforme ensina genericamente JOHN P. KARALIS, in verbis:

"§ 1.2 Legal Overview

The precise origin of the legal concept of the joint venture (or joint ‘adventure’, as it sometimes is called) is not known. Some believe that the concept originated in the United States.

Originally, the courts treated joint ventures simply as a special form of partnership, applying the law of partnerships. But beginning in the late nineteenth century, the courts began to recognize the joint venture as a separate legal entity with qualities that distinguished it from a partnership.

In a modern joint venture, the parties combine their resources, usually comprising capital, knowledge, skill and services, in the conduct of a business venture, but without necessarily organizing a partnership in the legal sense.

Under common law in the United States, every joint venture must have a contractual basis among the venturers. In addition, United States courts generally have recognized the following elements to be essential to a joint venture in the legal sense:

(a) A contribution of money, property, effort, knowledge, skill or other assets to a common undertaking;

(b) A joint property interest in the subject matter of the venture;

(c) A right of mutual control or management of the enterprise;

(d) Expectation of profit, (or the presence of ‘adventure’, as it is sometimes called);

(e) A right to participate in the profits; and

(f) Most usually, limitation of the objective to a single undertaking or ad hoc enterprise.

Today, parties to a joint venture in the broad business sense use a general or limited partnership, corporation, business trust or other legally appropriate vehicle. Or they simply may establish the joint venture by agreement as an unincorporated association."

(In: INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURES - A PRACTICAL GUIDE, St. Paul, Minn., USA, West Publishing Co., 1992, p. 6/7)

Em poucas e outras palavras um singelo exemplo vale mais que mil delas:

Uma hipotética joint venture(*) pode ser útil para exportar camisetas do Brasil para o planeta Terra pelos Correios (ECT), saindo do Brasil in natura e recebendo impressão específica no local de destino ou ainda intermediário, para brindes e/ou promoções, por exemplo, com ganho de escala para ambas empresas e simplificação de toda burocracia de exportações pelos Correios, obedecida a limitação de valores.



Carlos Perin Filho

(*) Fixar arbitragem, nos termos da Lei nº 9.307/1996, para eventual litígio.

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